School Calendar Dates
Click here for term dates for this and future academic years.
2024-25 dates
Term 2
Thursday 28 November - Eagles Class assembly 9am
Friday 29 November - Non-uniform day - bring in items for shopping day - FoSS
Thursday 5 December - FoSS Christmas Shopping Day -see separate Studybug message for info
Friday 6th December - Dress Up Day for Lion Class – The children dress up as what they would like to be when they grow up
Saturday 7 December - Trinity Church Christmas tree festival all day - all welcome
Sunday 8 December - Christingle service 10am in church - all welcome
Monday 9 December - Mrs Holman and the choir to sing at the Vestry for Age Concern Christmas lunch
Wednesday 11 December - Y1 Nativity to parents 2pm (YR and Y2 children singing)
Friday 13th December - Lion Class visit to the Post Office - (more information to come)
Tuesday 17 December - Wear your Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner
Thursday 19 December - Last day of term - 9.30 Christmas Church service and 2-3pm Open afternoon
Term 3
Monday 6 January 2025 - Back to school
Friday 24 January - Non-uniform day
Wednesday 29 January - Rhinos Class Assembly 9am
Friday 7 February - FoSS Disco - 5-6.30pm
Friday 14 February - Last day of term
Term 4
Tuesday 25 February - Back to school
Thursday 6 March - World Book Day - Vocabulary Parade theme
Tuesday 11 March - Parent Eve 3.30-6.00pm
Wednesday 12 March - Parent Eve 3.30-6.00pm
Thursday 20 March - Elephant Class Assembly 9am
Wednesday 2 April - FoSS Colour Run event from 2pm
Friday 4 April - Last day of term - 9.30am - Easter Service at church. 2-3pm Open afternoon.
Term 5
Tuesday 22 April - Back to school. YR 2025 offer day.
Thursday 1 May - Y4 trip to Detling Showground - Living Land
Friday 2 May - Non-uniform day
Thursday 8 May - Zebra Class Assembly 9am
12-16 May - KS2 (Y6) SATs tests - children must be in school all week
19-21 May - Y6 residential to Kingswood
Friday 23 May - Last day of term
Term 6
Tuesday 3 June - Back to school
Wednesday 18 June - 4-5pm New YR parent evening
Thursday 19 June - Lions Assembly
Thursday 26 June - Sports day (afternoon) with family picnic first at 12 noon.
(Wednesday 2 July - Reserve day if needed)
Friday 4 July - 12.30-2pm - New Lions Picnic
Tuesday 8 July - Y6 Production
Thursday 10 July - Whole school moving up afternoon
Friday 18 July - FoSS Summer disco 5-6.30pm and Y6 leaver event to 7pm
Tuesday 22 July - Last day of school. Church Service - Y6 leavers - 9.30-10am. Open afternoon from 2pm.