Who are the Friends of Sissinghurst School (FOSS)?
We are incredibly fortunate to have an active PTFA (FOSS) which embodies the very essence of Sissinghurst Primary – an inclusive, friendly and dynamic group committed to supporting the school, its pupils and their families. FOSS provide a varied programme of events which as well raising funds, bring the school and wider community together. In its time FOSS have raised tens of thousands of pounds which have been spent on equipment and resources to enrich the children’s learning experience. Their fundraising makes a distinctive contribution, enabling the purchase of extra items which are not included in school budgets but which greatly enhance school life.
How do they do it?
Like most PTFAs, the majority of funds are raised through the events that FOSS run: discos, film nights, a children’s Christmas shopping day, quiz night, a mother’s day pamper evening and the May Fair, amongst others. Many of our FoSS members volunteer in school too, for example hearing readers and helping in lessons.
What are funds spent on?
Last year FOSS have raised funds to purchase tablets and purchased books to enhance our KS1 and KS2 libraries. This year they have paid for a pantomime in school and are hoping to raise funds for a set of iPads. This is addition to the many smaller projects that they have donated to.
How you can get involved?
There are lots of ways you can help and support FOSS. You can join the committee or become a class rep or volunteer in school. Offering to help on a more casual basis before events or at other times during the year is also so valuable. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you cannot come into school. There are always jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare. FOSS really couldn’t achieve what they do without the behind the scenes help they receive. Every PTFA relies on its helpers, the more you volunteer, the more the school and the children will benefit.
It goes without saying…
FOSS is about more than simply fundraising. It also exists to provide closer links between home and school and is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially, working towards a common goal. The efforts of FOSS are greatly appreciated by all members of the school community. If you would like to help us on our journey, donate to the charity or wish to contact us about anything FoSS related, please email us on and one of our members will get back to you.